NYS Tiger Muskie Data Submission

This is a project our Chapter is working on to track angler effort and success in the many waters of New York stocked with tiger muskies. The collected data will be anonymous and shared with the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation at the end of the year.

Body of water.
Date of Trip (mm/dd/yy)
Enter time trip started (please use military time).
Enter time trip started (please use military time).
Number of anglers fishing on your boat. This will help determine angling hours per catch.
Length of catch in inches (each fish should have it’s own entry).
Length of catch in inches (each fish should have it’s own entry).
Length of catch in inches (each fish should have it’s own entry).
Length of catch in inches (each fish should have it’s own entry).
Length of catch in inches (each fish should have it’s own entry).
Length of catch in inches (each fish should have it’s own entry). If there are more than 6 fish to enter, please split the trip into multiple trips in order to accommodate all the fish. Be sure to split the hours accordingly so catch rate will be accurate.
Please let us know anything of significance for this catch or trip.