
Kayuta Lake Stocking

In August of 2019, the NYSDEC stocked Kayuta Lake in Oneida County with tiger muskies for the first time in many years. One of our members, Jeff Dean Sr. had worked for over a year and a half with the local lake association to resume the stocking that was haulted about a decade ago.

Kayuta Lake has produced some really nice tigers in the past and has put out a few nice ones over the past couple of years, likely some of the last tigers from the previous stockings. Kayuta Lake should be on its way to becoming a fine tiger fishery once again as these fingerlings mature.

Thank you to Jeff Dean Sr., Aaron LaBella, the Kayuta Lake Association, and the NYSDEC for making this happen!

Esox Educational Signs

In collaboration with Muskies Inc. Chapter 69, our Chapter has designed educational signs for esox to be placed across the state. We have worked with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation to place these signs at strategic access points to educate anglers of the different esox species in that waterway and the different seasons and size limits for those esox species. The signs also warn anglers to avoid vertical holds and to support the head and belly of the fish.

These signs have been placed as far west in New York as Chautauqua Lake and as far east as Otisco Lake. We are currently working on signs for the Susquehanna River and are continuing to work on waters in the eastern part of the state.
